Let's learn TYPO3 - 10 english knowledge resources

Tags: TYPO3 Autor: Nepomuk Gasteiger

When I started developing TYPO3-websites in 2003 I got the knowledge from forums like typo3.net and blog entries. Most of these texts and discussions where in german. Today there are several great english resources, helping you getting started with installation, editing contents, creating templates and even writing extensions.

The following list shows the best texts, getting-started tutorials and support-channels for TYPO3 I know. Please tell me via comments if I missed something.

Online Documentation

  1. A great starting point is the official TYPO3 Getting Started Tutorial
  2. The tutorial about editing contents is also very helpful for developers
  3. Don't miss the Templating Basics
  4. Typoscript: I also recommend this document: Typoscript in 45 Minutes. Reading it gives you an idea about what Typoscript is and what you can do with it: 
Learn more about Typoscript with the TypoScript Syntax and Indepth Study.

Hands on and Playground

5. The visionbites Hands on TYPO3 7.6 LTS is also a good read. It shows how to set up a full website with TYPO3 from scratch using bootstrap 3.3.6 as frontend template.


To follow the instructions and play with the code, you will need a local TYPO3-Installation (get complete Installers for Mac, Linux or Windows here). If you don’t want to install a LAMP-Enviroment on your local machine, get one of the free TYPO3-Trials available on the internet, for example: 

6. facebook

facebook is not only a great resource for keeping up to date about TYPO3 related topics, but also allows you to get in touch with general rumours inside the TYPO3 community:

7. twitter

Please make sure you follow TYPO3 on twitter - maybe the fastest way to keep up to date: 
Don’t miss the other important accounts like the TYPO3 Security Team (@typo3_security) or the TYPO3 Server Team (@TYPO3server). 

8. Support via stackoverflow, Slack and Forums

The TYPO3 GmbH generally wants to transfer support discussions to stack overflow (what makes totally sense), so please ask TYPO3 related questions there. During the last years a lot of discussion and support happend (and still happens) via Slack. Get your invite here. Of course there is also an english forum on typo3.org

9. Youtube

Follow the TYPO3 Channel on youtube - although not all of the videos are in english. Don’t miss the conference videos of the TYPO3 Conference and the TYPO3 Developer Days. 

10. News & Blogs

The news of typo3.org keep you up to date with all the important stuff happening in the TYPO3-world. Although most of the TYPO3 blogosphere is still in german, there are some blogs in english, for example the blog of the TYPO3 GmbH or http://typo3worx.eu/. Don't miss the great TYPO3 developer blog: https://usetypo3.com/ 

That’s it - please tell me if i missed something. Thank you very much for reading.

Nepomuk (@nerphunk


Photo: Raphael Koh https://unsplash.com/@dreamevile 


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